The address will be the Israeli premier’s fourth; Sen. Bernie Sanders says he’ll boycott the address, calling Netanyahu a ...
With a population of 1,005,900 in 2022, Jerusalem’s population is double that of Tel Aviv’s, according to the latest census ...
The key members of Netanyahu's coalition said that they will not be part of a government that ends the war without defeating ...
Despite an abundance of media reporting on the war in Israel, many people outside the country appear to be no longer able to ...
Israeli forces killed hundreds of terrorists in “intense battles and close-quarters encounters,” while also destroying dozens ...
Israel previously denounced demands by Hamas to end the war in return for the freedom of some of the hostages as "delusional.
The Israel Land Authority found that UNRWA was holding "without consent" 36 dunams of land in the capital's Ma'alot Dafna ...
Historical failures raise well-founded doubts about the ability of such forces to deal with terror movements.
"History is being revived in the Jewish Quarter" as ancient homes of Temple priests reopen after a major renovation.
Tehran's efforts to lift sanctions on the Islamic Republic will also continue, a spokesperson for it foreign ministry said.
Taiwan in the shadow of the Chinese threat and in solidarity with Israel – an exclusive Israel Today report.
The exchange of fire took place near the Rafah Crossing to Sinai.