A man who was caught drink driving at more than twice the legal alcohol limit also had an unusual drug on him. Hold tight - ...
A senior Liberal senator has lashed calls for pre-selections to reopen for Josh Frydenberg to unseat a chosen female ...
Within hours of joining TikTok, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump had attracted more than three million ...
Ernie Els has stormed home in Iowa to win his fourth PGA Tour Champions title. -AP Ernie Els has won the Principal Charity ...
Millions of Australian workers will receive a 3.75 per cent pay boost under the industrial empire's minimum wage decision.
Supply chain bottlenecks and costs were compounding structural housing issues, the hearing was told. -AAP Image Barriers ...
Another $50 billion over a decade won't be enough to prep for war in the short term, a report says. -AAP Image Analysis ...
Josh Frydenberg is a "great supporter of women", a senior Liberal senator has said, and it would be "crazy" to re-open ...
While the industry wrestles with the latest announcement on dairy pricing, a new player is establishing himself with his ...
Driving mentors Glenn Gillett and Martina Cusack have racked up many years — and have no plans to stop. Their experiences ...
Dysons regional operations manager Roy Dyson and depot manager Greg Fitzsimmons with state Member for Shepparton Kim O’Keeffe ...
Minjee Lee has endured a dramatic collapse to allow Japanese star Yuko Saso to storm to Women's US Open glory in Pennsylvania ...